Sunday 22 February 2015

The Poor Can Be So Grateful ...

Imagine being so poor that all your life you have never owned your own bible and only ever slept on the floor...

This exciting email was received from Gary Deetlefs, our South African regional Leader (Gary spoke at the Rivergum 5pm service in early July):

"Praise the Lord for one of our partners being so generous and sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
What an encouragement that he was able to send funds for Beds and Bibles for the pastors of 24 churches in Southern Malawi and Mozambique.

Imagine what they are going to tell their family, friends and neighbours!
What a joy to see men like Lino who are in their 70’s get a bed for the first time in their lives
I just wonder what his wife has to say about that - Her man brings home a bed for her when she is in her twilight years.

Never had the budget to buy a bed before...

What an encouragement to have partners like him, who are able to see with the eyes of Jesus concerning these everyday practical necessities.
I am convinced that this will lead to amazing thanksgiving and testimonies of hope that will impact others..

Thank you so much,

Pastor Garydee”